Campaign Finance Institute Visits ADA
The ADA National Executive Committee meets today to conduct business and will be joined by Michael Malbin of the Campaign Finance Institute (CFI).
According to their website, "The Campaign Finance Institute is a non-partisan, non-profit institute, affiliated with The George Washington University, that conducts objective research and education, empanels task forces and makes recommendations for policy change in the field of campaign finance."
We will post segments of Mr. Malbin's presentation later today.
According to their website, "The Campaign Finance Institute is a non-partisan, non-profit institute, affiliated with The George Washington University, that conducts objective research and education, empanels task forces and makes recommendations for policy change in the field of campaign finance."
We will post segments of Mr. Malbin's presentation later today.
I heard Mike Malbin's presentation by conference call, and it made me want to go to the CFI web site to learn more:
In the past, I have found some of Malbin's views on campaign finance to be a bit iconoclastic or fatalistic. Not so in this case. This is a thoughtful, sound, and realistic proposal from the collective wisdom of some of the best campaign finance experts. Although this proposal does not go as far towards total public financing as ADA's position, it is consistent with ADA's backup position on preserving the current partial public financing system. And this proposal makes some signficant improvements in the current system as well. If this proposal finds sponsors in the Congress, liberals should support it.
-A Liberal
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