Karl Rove Must Go
By Ryan Fant
Two years ago Valerie Plame's career as an undercover CIA operative came to an abrupt end when Karl Rove leaked her identity to the press. Valerie Plame's only transgression was to be married to White House critic Joseph Wilson, whom Karl Rove hoped to punish and intimidate for speaking out about the absurdity of Iraq WMD claims.
The real outrage of the Valerie Plame incident is that it is merely symptomatic of this Administration's penchant for putting political gain above ethical concerns. After John McCain
beat George Bush in the New Hampshire primary in 2000, Bush's electoral team (headed by Karl Rove) unleashed a flurry of outright lies about McCain's family in order to win South Carolina and eventually the nomination. Even worse, this Administration has misled the American public on the true cost of Bush's tax cuts for the wealthy, links between Iraq and 9/11, and the presence of WMD in Iraq. When Joseph Wilson spoke out against the Administration's unfounded claims, his wife became the latest causality of Bush's War of Terror.
Due to the technical limitations in the law, it remains to be seen whether or not Karl Rove will be criminally indicted for revealing the identity of an undercover CIA operative. However, regardless of whether or not he technically broke the law, Rove's actions are clearly unethical and cannot be tolerated from such a senior and influential member of the White House.
According to the Washington Post, Republicans plan is to distract the American people by labeling attacks on Rove as "dirty politics" until the battle for the Supreme Court eclipses the current controversy. It is up to us to make sure that this plan does not succeed; we must ensure that this outrage is not forgotten. To this end, interns from Americans for Democratic Action participated Thursday, July 14 in Moveon.org's protest outside the White House.
Help us by contacting the White House and demanding that President Bush honor the promise he made two years ago to fire any administration official involved in leaking the identity of Valerie Plame. Karl Rove must go.
Two years ago Valerie Plame's career as an undercover CIA operative came to an abrupt end when Karl Rove leaked her identity to the press. Valerie Plame's only transgression was to be married to White House critic Joseph Wilson, whom Karl Rove hoped to punish and intimidate for speaking out about the absurdity of Iraq WMD claims.
The real outrage of the Valerie Plame incident is that it is merely symptomatic of this Administration's penchant for putting political gain above ethical concerns. After John McCain

Due to the technical limitations in the law, it remains to be seen whether or not Karl Rove will be criminally indicted for revealing the identity of an undercover CIA operative. However, regardless of whether or not he technically broke the law, Rove's actions are clearly unethical and cannot be tolerated from such a senior and influential member of the White House.
According to the Washington Post, Republicans plan is to distract the American people by labeling attacks on Rove as "dirty politics" until the battle for the Supreme Court eclipses the current controversy. It is up to us to make sure that this plan does not succeed; we must ensure that this outrage is not forgotten. To this end, interns from Americans for Democratic Action participated Thursday, July 14 in Moveon.org's protest outside the White House.
Help us by contacting the White House and demanding that President Bush honor the promise he made two years ago to fire any administration official involved in leaking the identity of Valerie Plame. Karl Rove must go.
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