This weekend I saw Michael Moore's documentary Sicko, about which you have no doubt heard a lot. But in case you haven't, it deals with the problems of our country's health care system and discusses some of the history of the issue. I thought Moore did an especially good job of highlighting the differences between our health care systems and those of the UK, France, and Cuba. It is striking how barbaric, selfish, and scary ours seems in comparison. The problem, however, with it is this: how do we get those who need to see it the most to watch it? By spreading the message in this film, we can help educate American citizens enough to elect a candidate who will bring us the health care system we need - one that is universal and single-payer. Here's a trailer for Sicko, in case you haven't seen it.
- Malin von Euler-Hogan
- Malin von Euler-Hogan
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