Live from Yearly Kos in Chicago
The Yearly Kos convention started off early Thursday with a round table for gay and lesbian bloggers. Led by Mike Rogers of Blogactive and PageOneQ and Pam Spaulding of the spectacular Pam's House Blend, the group and a great discussion on the impact LGBT blogs have on communities and campaigns.
After that it was off to staff the ADA table in the exhibit hall with Rich Whitehead, ADA board member and Northeastern Illinois ADA member. Rich and I met dozens of liberal activists and signed up new ADA members. I think the liberal community was really happy to see ADA participating in this important convention.
A few hours later I left Rich at the table and met up with the labor caucus. It was interesting to hear how unions are using the internet to build a sense of community with their members. With members all over the nation and many in rural areas, blogs
In the evening I headed downtown with Rich to meet other local ADAers for a spectacular Greek dinner (and a drink!).
More from YearlyKos tomorrow!
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