Pardon me, Congressman, but you dropped your crown...
In a timely pre-game show to the launch of Larry Lessig's Change Congress campaign, Ken Silverstein published a meaty tell-all piece in the March issue of Harper's, entitled Beltway Bacchanal: Congress lives high on the contributor's dime . Unfortunately, I just realized that you can only read the article online if you subscribe to Harper's. They really need to get with the times...
Despite my post, which is the opposite of timely (March is now nearing an end, after all), you can still learn a lot about PAC Leadership funds and campaign treasuries from Silverstein's article. For example, I learned how useful these funds can be when one wants to spend
As Silverstein very clearly shows, both sides' cups runneth over.
I hope to see a Change Congress link on ADA's site very soon.
Despite my post, which is the opposite of timely (March is now nearing an end, after all), you can still learn a lot about PAC Leadership funds and campaign treasuries from Silverstein's article. For example, I learned how useful these funds can be when one wants to spend
- $32,036 to golf at the Kiawah Island Golf Resort (Rep. James McCrery, R-LA), or say, slam down
- $66,146 on luxury hotels over the 2006 election cycle (Congressman Steny Hoyer, D-MD).
As Silverstein very clearly shows, both sides' cups runneth over.
I hope to see a Change Congress link on ADA's site very soon.
Labels: campaign finance, change congress, congress, congressional spending
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