Having witnessed the Sara Taylor hearing as a part of the Senate Judiciary committee, some realizations about our government have been reveled to me. What I thought was so interesting about the stance and reasoning Sara Taylor used in going along with Fred Fielding's letter legally putting President Bush's executive privilege in direct opposition to information that congress requested does not make sense to me. She said that she took an oath to the president. Sen. Patrick Leahy the chairman of the Judiciary committee corrected her and said that she took an oath to the Constitution. This to me is a symbol, of how people blindly look at our system of government. We are not looking to the constitution, what we are looking at is the President as the head and the ruler of our government. I am just amazed that people who look at the President (executive branch) for guidance, not paying attention to the underlying fabric (the constitution) that should make us challenge authority. It is our responsibility to look deeper than at just what people tell us to do. I think many people will just do whatever the president says, seeing no fault in the deterioration of our society by his policies and decisions. The irony is that the people of the United States elected the President along with the Congress. The Constitution was designed to provide checks and balances to hold each branch accountable. Sara Taylor denying Congress the information needed interferes and violates the Constitution she vowed to uphold. However, this all being said, it is clear that she is a pawn in a much deeper constitutional struggle between the Congress and the executive branch.
ADA Intern
Labels: Oath to the President
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