YearlKos: Table Top Diaries
More and more people are showing up here at YearlyKos. I barely had time to sneak away from the ADA table to attend an afternoon panel on being a progressive (liberal!) in the global economy. There was plenty of interesting discussion but I was struck by how far out ADA already is on this topic. Our Working Families Win project and its predecessors was taking these issues out of Washington, DC and convention panels to local communities that are actually affected by the global economy long ago. Not to mention the decades ADA has worked toward social and economic justice before the inception of WFW.
After the panel I rejoined Rich at the ADA table and continued chatting with attendees. I wasn't expecting the number of Congressional candidates that have come by. It's inspiring to learn how many people are running for office who have never been involved in politics before but are desperate to bring about real change. I met a woman who lost her home to Hurricane Katrina running in Louisiana, another woman who wants to challenge Dennis Hastert and a single mom with a mission to push universal health care through Congress.
I just got back from a great dinner at a local Chicago treasure on the Northside with other Yearly Kos activists. Catch you tomorrow.
After the panel I rejoined Rich at the ADA table and continued chatting with attendees. I wasn't expecting the number of Congressional candidates that have come by. It's inspiring to learn how many people are running for office who have never been involved in politics before but are desperate to bring about real change. I met a woman who lost her home to Hurricane Katrina running in Louisiana, another woman who wants to challenge Dennis Hastert and a single mom with a mission to push universal health care through Congress.
I just got back from a great dinner at a local Chicago treasure on the Northside with other Yearly Kos activists. Catch you tomorrow.
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