Democrats More Scared of Republicans than Terrorist

Democrats seeking to show voters they are the Party that can lead on national security seem to be placing their own job security first.
The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) passed by the Democratic controlled Congress and supported by 16 Democrats in the Senate and 41 in the House expanded the powers of an already out-of-control President. The fact that this expansion will do nothing to make us safer and tramples on our most basic Constitutional right to privacy was not enough to overcome Democrats fear of looking soft on terror.
Just to be clear what this law actually does, the National Security Agency and the Justice Department can now intercept any phone call or e-mail sent from, to or routed through the United States so long as there is reasonable belief the message was sent by someone outside the United States. No warrant is required, no court oversight, no accountability, and no one is certain what constitutes reasonable belief.
Thinking of calling Grandma back in the old country? Be careful not to ask for any secret family recipes.
1 Comments: scary.
If the Republicans have tried to scare us into voting for one particular party, they succeeded.
Just probably not the party they had in mind
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