Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Sixty and counting

Sixty years ago today a Holiday movie legend debuted. "It's a Wonderful Life", and hero George Bailey have been with us ever since, spreading holiday cheer. Of course, George never thought of himself and worked ever so hard to lift up less fortunate members of the community because as he put it when talking about providing decent affordable housing, "Doesn't it make them better citizens? Doesn't it make them better customers?"

Another beloved institution is also celebrating its 60th in just a few short weeks. Americans for Democratic Action (ADA) was founded in January of 1947 and we certainly agree with George that the community as a whole is better off when everyone shares in the prosperity of opportunity, not just the Mr. Potters (or Dick Cheneys) of the world. That's why for 60 years we've been leading the fights to increase the minimum wage; advocating for fair and progressive tax laws; pushing for first-class education for all; creating excellent jobs at fair wages; providing decent affordable housing; quality, affordable health care; and ending the Bush Administration's Iraq debacle; and so many more then, now, and onward into a bright future of progress.

Join us at ADA's 60th Anniversary Kickoff on Capitol Hill on January 18, 2007. We'll dine and drink with friends. ADA President Rep. Jim McDermott (D-WA) will be there and so will many of his colleagues as we welcome new and returning Members of Congress back to Washington on the eve of a great opportunity for progress.

We'll also be taking ADA's legislative agenda to key legislators on Friday, January 19th and welcome ADAers to join us in visiting incoming committee chairs and Congressional leaders.

You can RSVP to these events at http://www.adaction.org/sixtykickoff.htm

We'll see you there.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Mark Foley twist

We haven't commented much publicly on the Mark Foley scandal, figuring when the opposition is doing a good job destroying themselves there's really no reason to get involved. But there is an interesting twist to this story that's recently surfaced.

The blogger who first posted the instant messages between Foley and teenage pages, Lane Hudson, was fired from his job at the Human Rights Campaign. Hudson made the mistake of reporting the instant messages on his personal blog using HRC computers while on the job, something forbidden by HRC's personnel policy and, as Hudson admits, something for which they were within their rights to dismiss him.

In the latest issue of The Advocate, Hudson, explaining his actions, writes, "More than a year ago a 16-year-old page from Louisiana had the courage to report Foley's inappropriate behavior. What did that get him? His parents prevented real punitive action. A dozen media organizations ignored the story. The FBI thought the e-mails were perfectly innocent. Louisiana Republican representative Rodney Alexander slapped Foley on the back. We tell our children to report any inappropriate activity from an adult. In this instance the adults did nothing. So, after some savvy computer sleuthing, here I am. I hope gay rights advocates will stand up and say they're proud that it was a gay man who finally took action to stop Mark Foley."

Controversial blogger Mike Rogers, whose mission is to out closeted gay politicians who support discrimination against gays and lesbians, argues gay rights advocates and the progressive community owe Hudson a debt of gratitude for actions that contributed to ending the Republicans stranglehold on power.

Rogers believes it unjust that, while Hudson was fired from his job, the male prostitute and drug dealer responsible for exposing evangelical leader Ted Haggard just prior to the election received a lucrative book deal. Rogers acknowledges Hudson made an error in judgment when he used his employer's resources for a personal project, but that it does not mean his participation in stopping Foley's abuse is any less important. You can read his post here.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Tofu: Mark of the Beast

Conservative pundit, Jim Rutz, at WorldNetDaily alerted unsuspecting parents of the harmful effects of soy today. Seems soy will turn you gay. Fortunately, skeptics, he uses something called facts to back up his claim.

Enjoy his particular brand of crazy here.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

From the Prez

Here a few recent items from ADA's President, Rep. Jim McDermott (D-WA).

A Podcast of his appearance on the "Bob Rivers Show" in Seattle discussing a wide range of topics.

A Podcast of his interview with the Seattle Post Intelligencer editorial board meeting where he discusses Iraq and the new Democratic Congress.

Both appear on Rep. McDermott's Congressional website.


New Workplace Institute by: ADA Board Member David Yamada

Liberal Bureaucracy by: UK ADAer Mark Valladares

Max Speak by: ADA Member Max Sawicky

ADA Board Member Ed Schwartz: Civic Values Blog
The Institute for the Study of Civic Values


Ideopolis: from the Moving Ideas Network

More to come. Please share with us information about websites maintained by ADA members. Drop us a line at dkusler@adaction.org


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