Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Legal Doesn't Equal Ethical

Majority Leader Steny Hoyer is certainly not the only Member of Congress that is loop-holing his way to campaign cash and lobbyist largesse, but as a high profile Democratic leader who repeatedly campaign on ethics issues, news of his PAC fundraising boondoggle is most disturbing.

More on the story at Wonkette.

We must not divert our eyes, ears, or our mouths on this issue. Just because these fundraising tactics are allowed by law, even the new lobby "reform" laws, does not make them ethical.

Speak out.


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Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Martial Law made easy

A New York Times editorial reveals a little secret from the 2007 Defense Budget. The Prez has more power to declare martial law.

Senators Patrick Leahy (D-VT) and Kit Bond (R-MO) are trying to reverse this amendment in Senate Bill 513. Alert your local media and contact your Senators now.


Friday, February 16, 2007

Southeastern PA ADAer testifies on handguns

Statement of Harold Rosenthal before the House Judiciary Committee, Conducted at CORA in Northeast Philadelphia, February 16, 2007.

Welcome Chairman Caltigerone, Chairman Evans and members of the Judiciary Committee and to all who braved 13 degree weather to come to a corner of cool Northeast Philadelphia this morning.

I mean cool in two ways. Besides the weather, Northeast Philadelphia is a significant part of Philadelphia with a history older than the City. It is as large and sufficiently diverse to be a city unto itself. If it were it would be larger then Pittsburgh.

Because of the weather I wore my pea jacket from my Navy career. It is warm and it is 51 years old. I am older than that.

I grew up in a neighborhood where the common thread was frustration. Our parents were poor. They drank and they fought. The schools were over studented and under staffed. There was no place to play. Most of us kids were going no where and we knew it.

Our frustration and lack of any thing worth while to do led to gangs and violence. I was the runner for my gang. My job was to go onto streets where I did not belong. Get chased. And if I was fast enough lead the enemy to where my guys were waiting.

We fought and wrestled. We fought with our fists and sometimes with brass knuckles and knives. We did not have guns. -Probably because we did not know where to get them.

Today kids growing up in similar neighborhoods –we call these neighborhoods ghettoes or just hoods – are just as frustrated by the same conditions that caused the violence in us. Today they don’t use just fists or brass knuckles or knives. Today they use handguns because they are so easy to obtain. But handgun violence is not limited to the ghettoes.

My wife Sue taught at the Public High School for Creative and Performing Arts. It is a Philadelphia magnet school with a student population coming from all over the City and as diverse as the City. Sue would ask her classes, “How many know where to buy a handgun?” Every hand would shoot up.

There is no neighborhood where a kid does not know where to be an illegal handgun. This is just not in Philadelphia. It is occurring in Reading where I attended its Mayor’s conference against violence last week. Several mayors including the chair of our State Mayors’ Committee were there also to voice their concerns.

Handgun violence is also occurring in the Lancasters and Pottstowns, in large and small cites and in urban and suburban communities. The ease in which we can buy an illegal handgun is a growing disease in this country. The student caused school murders we read about more often these days are occurring in rural communities by kids loaded with guns.

Where do these guns come from? –Some from their parents who fail to secure them. But many are street purchased from the trunk of a car.

How does this happen? Handguns are initially purchased legitimately by some people by the dozens who then sell them to kids and others who could not legally buy a handgun.

It is that legal wholesale purchase of handguns that puts these weapons into the hands of those who have no right under our laws and because of their frustration and violence should not posses a killing weapon.

Last March Sue and I organized volunteers who went into the district of the then Chair of the House Judiciary Committee. In two hours we obtained the signatures of 2,039 constituents to a petition demanding hearings for the passage of two bills – a bill to limit the purchase of handguns to one every 30 days and a bill to require the reporting of lost or stolen weapons.

I was approached by a member of the NRA who demanded to know, as he misunderstood, why I was opposed to handguns. When I explained I was not. I was only opposed to the illegal handgun market which is fed by being able to legitimately buy enough handguns to go into business. My NRA member asked why anyone would want to buy even 12 handguns a year. He not only signed my petition but went home and brought his wife and two NRA friends who also signed our petition to help stop the illegal handgun market.

Members of the Committee, it is handguns to which we must have tighter controls throughout our State. There are legitimate rights to certain weapons. Hunting in our State is a right that goes back before our Constitution and its Second Amendment. But handguns are seldom used for hunting.

They are the weapons of choice easily obtained by an ever increasing violent society in many parts of our State.

We must do something to cure that violence. Yet there is no magic one step cure all.

We must also remove from our entire State the ability to arm that violence with a killing weapon. We must end the illegal handgun market by limiting the legal sale of handguns to an individual to one handgun every 30 days throughout our State and to require a lost or stolen weapon to be reported.

Thank you for you concern and attention.

Harold Rosenthal
Philadelphia, PA

Concerned Women for America (CWA) set Tim Hardaway straight

Concerned Women for America (CWA) was appalled at the recent anti-gay tirade by former basketball star Tim Hardaway...appalled that his hate rant was not properly worded.

For proper bigotry techniques see the story over at Wonkette.

What Kind of Economy?

ADA Vice President James K. Galbraith challenges us to create an economic agenda that encompasses the environment and social justice by standing up to the neo-Clintonian crowd and clearly defining a realistic approach to the economy in his recent article, "What Kind of Economy?", published in The Nation.

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Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Exxon is tacky

A great piece by Matt Stoller over at MyDD.com on the soulless energy industry as evidenced by a discussion with Exxon Mobil's PR hackery.

Freedom to Marry Week

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Congressman Gary Ackerman (D-NY) challenged Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice today to explain why the State Department is complaining of a critical lack of Farsi and Arabic language specialists when the Pentagon has discharged 55 gays and lesbians fluent in the languages under Don't Ask,Don't Tell.

"For some reason, the military seems more afraid of gay people than they are (of) terrorists, but they're very brave with the terrorists. If the terrorists ever got hold of this information, they'd get a platoon of lesbians to chase us out of Baghdad," said Ackerman.

The Servicemembers Legal Defense Network, a group which seeks to end discrimination and harrassment of gays in the military, upon hearing the Congressman's words, added, "Secretary Rice would have no trouble finding gay linguists. In fact, our government could go a long way in addressing the shortage of language expertise by doing just as Congressman Ackerman suggests. SLDN would be happy to introduce Secretary Rice to our many clients who speak Arabic but have been dismissed because of the ban."

You can read ADA's policy on Don't Ask, Don't Tell here.

Friday, February 02, 2007

United States of Exxon

Exxon has done it again. They've outdone themselves by raking in record profits.

We've said it before, but it should be repeated...this is ridiculous. Profit is fine and good but this profit was gained through the misfortune of others. It's not like oil and gas are truly voluntary expenditures for most average folks either, who need to heat their homes and need gas to drive to work. To pillage record profits in this manner is simply unjustifiable.

No wonder we have had the second straight year of negative savings in the U.S. There have only been 4 years in recorded history where Americans had a negative savings rate. The other two years were 1932 and 1933 during the Great Depression. But Bush says the economy is just great so we shouldn't worry.

Speaking of not worrying...the UN says that climate change is real. No kidding?! The "we shouldn't worry part" comes from none other than Exxon itself who is offering a bounty of $10,000, through its "think tank" (read: propaganda shop) the American Enterprise Institute, to anyone with a remotely scientific background who is willing to publicly dispute the article.

Other than that, have a glorious weekend.


New Workplace Institute by: ADA Board Member David Yamada

Liberal Bureaucracy by: UK ADAer Mark Valladares

Max Speak by: ADA Member Max Sawicky

ADA Board Member Ed Schwartz: Civic Values Blog
The Institute for the Study of Civic Values


Ideopolis: from the Moving Ideas Network

More to come. Please share with us information about websites maintained by ADA members. Drop us a line at dkusler@adaction.org


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